線上購物 電子薰香爐

五福臨門蓮花電爐-汝窯白 Lotus Incense Electric Burner - White/RuKiln

NT$ 1,200

NT$ 1,200
NT$ 1,200

\ 商品介紹 /
調溫款     尺寸: 10.8*9.8cm
  • 五福臨門蓮花電爐一組內含: 電爐本體、電線、鐵夾、鐵盤。若您【不是】在台灣使用,請選擇適合您使用電爐的當地電壓,即使您用變壓器,110V電壓的電爐也是無法在220V地區使用喔! 220V電爐在110V地區使用會不穩定喔!   **於台灣使用請選擇規格110V電壓。
  • 內建電熱片加熱方式,電壓是以電熱片規格直接設定,無法使用變壓器改變電壓。
  • 台灣鶯歌陶瓷工廠配合製作。陶瓷產品,請注意避免碰撞。
  • 電爐使用需知將隨爐內附。若有任何問題,請LINE: incensehouse聯絡。
  • 鐵盤為損耗品,鐵盤可用可不用。不使用鐵盤,容易在煎香時經由陶瓷纖維的毛細作用將煎香時的油質吸附,會讓陶瓷表面殘留,久了會有焦黑感; 但不使用鐵盤,較能直接將熱能碰觸到香品,效能較好。使用鐵盤的熱能傳導就會慢/弱一些。每次使用後,請降溫後再進行清潔工作。


Lotus Incense Electric Burner - White/RuKiln
Temperature adjustable : 80-220 degee C.   Size: 10.8*9.8cm
  • Including: Burner, cable, steel clip, metel plate. **Please confirm the power of burner suitable for your country while order, the 110V burner could not be used at 220V area, 220V one is not stable at 110V area.
  • Heating method is by heater, insides of burner. 
  • Made in Taiwan, please pay more attention to the ceramic burner while moving, avoid possiable damage.
  • There is a brief operating steps notice attached. If there  is any problem or comments, please kindly email to us.
  • Metel plate is consumables. It could be without, but the burnt item might remains on ceremic surface. To clean the plate each time to extend the life.
 * There is a powder/chip sample package attached with burner set, the sample package is suitable for people who is new to agarwood/sandalwood field, if you do not need the basic level, we would appreciate you could share it to your friends. :)

調溫款電子薰香爐操作影片 Operation Guide Video of Temp. Adjustable Type Burner