線上購物 電子薰香爐

車用陶瓷電爐 - 咖 Car Use Electric Burner - Brown

NT$ 1,200

NT$ 1,200
NT$ 1,200

\ 商品介紹 /
車用陶瓷電爐 - 咖
7.5*7.5*9cm 爐蓋有卡榫設計,車輛行進間不易鬆脫。 請先固定車內放置的位置(最佳位置是置杯架處)。
  • 車用電爐一組內含: 電爐本體、電線、鐵夾、鐵盤。
  • 內建電熱片加熱方式。
  • 台灣鶯歌陶瓷工廠配合製作。陶瓷產品,請注意避免碰撞。
  • 電爐使用需知將隨爐內附。若有任何問題,請LINE: incensehouse聯絡。
  • 鐵盤為損耗品。建議於每次使用後進行清潔工作以延長使用壽命。


Car Use Electric Burner - Brown
7.5*7.5*9cm, special design on the lid to avoid take off during driving. 
  • Including: Burner, cable, steel clip, metel plate. 
  • Heating method is by heater. 
  • Made in Taiwan, please pay more attention to the ceramic burner while moving, avoid possiable damage.
  • There is a brief operating steps notice attached. If there  is any problem or comments, please kindly email to us.
  • Metel plate is consumables. To clean the plate each time to extend the life.
 * There is a powder/chip sample package attached with burner set, the sample package is suitable for people who is new to agarwood/sandalwood field, if you do not need the basic level, we would appreciate you could share it to your friends. :)