線上購物 電子薰香爐

三足乳丁電爐 定時調溫 陸製 Perfect RuKiln Incense Electric Burner Heater

NT$ 1,680

NT$ 1,680
NT$ 1,680

\ 商品介紹 /
三足乳丁電爐 定時調溫 陸製
調溫+定時  大陸電爐廠製作,尺寸: 10.2*10.3公分。 
      可運作溫度為: 50-250度,實際溫度會因供電來源穩定度、環境而有不同程度影響       
  • 三足乳丁電子薰香爐一組內含: 電爐本體、電源線、夾子、小匙、鐵盤。本館目前只有110V電壓款式(適用台、日、美、加等)。若需220V電壓,請洽詢。請注意,即使您用變壓器,110V電壓的電爐也是無法在220V地區使用喔! 220V電爐在110V地區使用會不穩定喔!  
  • 內建電熱片加熱方式,電壓是以電熱片規格直接設定,無法使用變壓器改變電壓。
  • 大陸工廠製作。陶瓷產品,請務必注意小心使用避免碰撞,尤其是蓋子。 包裝精美,保護周全。 
  • 電爐使用需知由原廠隨爐內附。若有任何問題,請LINE: incensehouse聯絡。
  • 鐵盤為損耗品,建議使用鐵盤。不使用鐵盤,容易在煎香時經由陶瓷纖維的毛細作用將煎香時的油質吸附,會讓陶瓷表面殘留,久了會有焦黑感。每次使用後,請降溫後再進行清潔工作本款電爐煎香面積比其他台灣製造款式電爐大一些,原廠附的鐵盤,也比較大 (4.3*0.7公分) 喔! 
  • 所有電子薰香爐,熱能開啟後,都不建議徒手把玩電爐,以防止燙傷。熱能往上,操作時,請注意提取蓋子時,小心手滑或燙傷。
  • 請繼續往下拉,有更多產品實拍照片。

Perfect RuKiln Incense Electric Burner Heater
 Temperature adjustable WITH timer. Made in China.  Size: 10.2*10.3cm
 Temperature available: 50-250 degree. C.. Effect by difference condition and power source.
  • Including: Burner, cable, steel clip, Spoon, metel plate. ** We just have 110V burner in stock (suitable for Taiwan, USA, Canada, Japan, etc.). The 110V burner could not be used at 220V area, 220V one is not stable at 110V area.
  • Heating method is by heater, insides of burner. 
  • Made in China, please pay more attention to the ceramic burner while moving especial on its lid, avoid possiable damage. 
    Original perfect packaging.  
  • There is a brief operating steps notice attached. If there  is any problem or comments, please kindly email to us.
  • Metel plate is consumables. The metel plate is request while burner is operating, to keep ceremic surface safety. To clean the plate each time to extend the life. This type's heating area is bigger than others, the attached plate's size: 4.3*0.7cm. 
  • Do not touch the burner during operating.  Carefully to take the lid.
 * There is a powder/chip sample package attached with burner set, the sample package is suitable for people who is new to agarwood/sandalwood field, if you do not need the basic level, we would appreciate you could share it to your friends. :)